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Verdi Studio

  • Andres Silva

Part i: Tower Project - Parametrization & General Shape Optimization

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

The purpose of this design is to test out my pattern-making abilities within Dynamo and applying various generative design optimization schemes including site rotation to maximize improved views as well as the shape of the building. There is also a lighting analysis to thin the glass in various places to reduce solar insolation.

Generative design

Generative design is an iterative design process that involves the program code that will generate a certain number of outputs that meet certain constraints set by the designer. A designer will fine-tune the feasible region by selecting specific output or changing input values, ranges and distribution to optimize by each iteration. I have access to a Beta that allows generative design from within Revit. The code required to create this building can be seen below.

In this instance, you can see how there is an intersection between the outer walls of the building and planes that represent each floor level - that is partly how I created the floors that follow the contours of the building perfectly.

The #generativedesign allows for the input and output of parameters and values which are manipulated in order to create the optimization desired. In this case, we are using the algorithm created to shape the tower from multiple points. The options returned after the constraints were set varied widely. Some of the solutions are acceptable by the study criteria and height of the building required, others were far from acceptable.

The study conducted allowed for 9 input variables and returned a sum of the built-up area as well as the surface area of the cladding. In this instance, I asked the algorithm to reduce the amount of cladding and, maximize the usable floor space. The grey sliders in the bottom graph are filters that remove design variants based on the criteria selected.

Lastly, the code required to see the floors made and have architectural, structural, and other views are created by this shortcode.

#generativedesign,#coding,#parametricdesign,#Dynamo,#BIM,#facadedesign, #optimization

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