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Verdi Studio

  • Andres Silva

Geometry GM Tower Futuristic Demo

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

This design was loosely inspired by the GM building in Detroit where it also had 3 structures surrounding the one, I just imagined a more futuristic and fluidlike atmosphere for this inspiration. I have been running into memory issues where there seems to be a premium on the RAM that I currently utilize when trying to render and thus I am bound so far to the current pictures you can see thus far as a more appropriate solution is not available for this project. As soon as it is I will make sure that I include it into this project in form of a video, animated picture or image. Comparing the tower to its digital geometric copy it is so great to see just how light glares and glimmers in between the towers. This will be an effect that hopefully allows less electricity to be used on-site during normal working hours due to the refraction and diffraction of light and thus sharing the bounced light with other floors or towers.

Below you can find the code that generated the building described and rendered above. As you can see it is incredibly lightweight and very versatile how these code snippets can create all of this and export it correctly as well. In this last picture, it is also more visible the telescoping downward effect and the getting skinnier effect that the middle tower has on its way down.

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