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Verdi Studio

  • Andres Silva

From High School Dreams to Architectural Marvels: Unearthing the Journey


The genesis of this story traces back to the pivotal moment when I was on the cusp of completing my high school journey, poised to embark on a new chapter in university. It was during this juncture that I ventured into the realm of experimental design, seeking to sculpt contours into cohesive masses. The vision was clear - to craft a structure that emulated the fluidity of the sea, with undulating heights and contours, akin to an ocean in perpetual motion.

Navigating UV Conundrums:

In those initial stages, the path forward was shrouded in uncertainty. The monumental architectural potential of this creation was apparent, yet the intricacies of UV mapping proved to be a formidable challenge. A multitude of designs were tested and explored, from tri-level options to structural I-beams, and even painstaking manual truss modeling. Alas, the elusive solution remained just beyond reach, as the Y-plane alterations persisted, stalling progress.

Sustaina-Pro Concrete: Pioneering Sustainability:

Enter Sustaina-Pro Concrete - a groundbreaking innovation in sustainable construction. This visionary concrete blend incorporates industrial by-products like steel slag, coal-fired fly ash, and recycled rubber, seamlessly woven into the aggregate. The result is a concrete matrix with exceptional compressive strength, balanced by meticulous adjustments in cement-aggregate-water ratios. Not only does it offer a robust structural framework, but it also champions the cause of environmental stewardship, repurposing industrial and post-consumer waste.

A Glimpse into the Future:

In our next installment, we'll delve into the intricate dance of architecture and functionality within the terminal. The underlying flow of traffic routes, both above and below, will be illuminated through a dynamic 5D BIM presentation, where cost overlays interplay with the temporal dimension. Here, the project unfurls into a multidimensional tapestry, seamlessly weaving scope, time, and cost into a unified architectural vision.

Join me on this transformative journey, where dreams conceived in high school evolve into architectural marvels of the future. The narrative continues, and the best is yet to come.

Below a 3 level iteration was assembled but was too crowded.

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